Simple Promise™

Tiny Amounts of this
Ancient Tree Sap Hold the
Key to Effortless Weight Loss
and a Happy Spouse

Stop what you’re doing.

Because what you’re about to hear will shake you to the core.

I know when I found out about it, my jaw dropped.

Then my weight started to fall off.

Day after day after day.

Every single time I stood on that scale, it went down.


And I was barely dieting.

Never, ever, have I seen a solution so effective.

So powerful. So life-changing.

And to think…

It’s all thanks to a delicious sap I found halfway across the globe.

Now, the story you’re about to hear, as fantastic as it is is actually 100% true.

My Name is Lori Grunel* *

I’m not a saleswoman, I’m from Twin Falls, Idaho, and I’m a real woman with a husband and 3 children.

I went through some hard times, and I’m all the better for it.

To be frank, I almost got a divorce… in fact, I almost lost my life.

But that’s all over now.

And now I’m living such a good life, I have to pinch myself.

I am going to speak to you from the heart today, be really honest and pull no punches...

So please don’t judge me, and also try not to be offended.

What’s most important is that you read my story all the way until the very end because it is like no other...

And because that’s where I will reveal the secret of this ancient sap.

I truly believe this secret sap can change your life too.


There I was, Sprawled Out on the
Tiles of My Newly-Polished Floor.

My recliner had just broken because
it couldn’t handle the weight... my weight.

“This is it...I’m literally at rock bottom...”

I thought to myself.

“Darn! My shoulder is throbbing...
I think I sprained it in the fall...”

Turns out I did.

“Lori, Lori, are you okay?”

My husband Mike asked, with a
sad mix of concern and pity in his voice.

It took me some time to get up.

Even watching Netflix has become a dangerous activity now, I thought to myself.

Furthermore, if a Chair couldn’t
Hold Me... What Man would Want Me?

It was too embarrassing.

When I told the doctor what had happened...

My face was so beet-red I thought it would catch fire.

That was the type of thing I thought only happened in cartoons.

I had to wear a sling for 2 weeks and everyone who saw it asked me what happened...

“I’d rather not say,”

was my standard response.

That sling was my mark of shame.

I never felt lower. I couldn’t look at that broken chair but there it was...

Reminding me of everything I wasn’t.

We went shopping for a new loveseat,
and Mike saw one and said,

“I think this one will handle you.”

Handle me, I thought.

What was I, a sack of potatoes? I didn’t say anything to him.

I Just Let it Fester.

After all, I was the one who broke the chair.

I lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling.

“This is bad,” I whispered to myself.

If I didn’t get help then, I knew I never would.

My husband had already stopped having sex with me...

Who knows?

Maybe he was already cheating on me with a woman who didn’t have a weight problem.

Maybe she was a jogger wearing spandex.
Maybe she had a
tight belly
And a butt made of iron...

They Say Life is Miserable
and it Ends Way Too Soon.

Well my life was miserable,
and I wanted mine to end right then.

That day, as I lay there on the floor after my fall...

I thought about how many times I’d trusted in but been lied to by my family doctor, my naturopath, Atkins, the NJ Diet, Beachbody, P90X.

I was told that if I would just eat less and move more...

I’d be a Size 6 or 4, if I was insanely lucky.

But instead, I looked like I’d just eaten a Size 4 or Size 6 supermodel.

I was 260 pounds, 5’6”.

I had already been diagnosed with diabetes.

That was old news.

When the test came back...

I was mad.

I Mean, I’d Done
Everything They Told Me...

Where would I go from there?

Cut calories?
Did it.
All over it.
Cut out carbs?
You know it.
  • Intermittent fasting? Yup.
  • Intermittent running? I ran a mile.
  • Jenny Craig? For sure.
  • NJ Diet? Hated it.
  • Nutritionists? Tried every one in my neighborhood.
  • Atkins? You bet.
  • Paleo? Like heck.

It was with that last diet... the Paleo diet that I completely gave up.

Where would I go from there?

Apparently, it didn’t Matter Which
Diet or Which Strategy I Tried.

The love handles remained.
It was as if they were mocking me.

The only way I would see any change on the scale was when I starved myself for the day.

So I would do that for two days.

And then my mind started to go nuts with thoughts of Dunkin’ Donuts.

It was like I was being battered by these thoughts.

My stomach rumbled, and everything I saw looked like a donut.

Then I would cave... and when I caved, I binged.

And when I binged, I gained two pounds more than what I weighed when I started.

You can See How this is Something that Makes You want to Put a Revolver in Your Mouth and Say sayonara...

But I wouldn’t.

I had Sonny, Marty and Julia.

They didn’t deserve to grow up without a momma.

They didn’t see me as fat. I was just Mommy.

They actually like falling into my flabby arms.

They weren’t the problem...

The problem was, Mommy was about to lose Daddy any day.

  • When I hit 182, he seemed less interested in me in general.
  • When I hit 240, he was in another world when I was around.

The Sad Thing was
How I Got His Hopes Up.

With every diet I started, we said,

“This is the one!”

And then... after so many failures, we stopped getting our hopes up.

It was too painful.

He was in the shower when my nightmare came true.

His iPhone was on the night stand and it started to vibrate.

The name on the screen said “Steve”.

But I didn’t know anyone from his work named Steve...I didn’t pick up.

I let the machine get it.

But Then I Looked at the
Convo Thread With this “Steve”...

And that’s when I realized Steve wasn’t Steve.

Steve was Stephanie.

There were heart emojis everywhere more than the eye could see.

I wanted to vomit.

But then, I wanted to call that Stephanie back and give her a piece of my mind.

As soon as Mike got out of the shower, I asked,

“Who’s Steve?”

He paused to get his lie ready.

He had it rehearsed...

“Oh, Steve... eah, he’s a new guy from work.”

That’s when I Showed Him
the Thread with the Heart Emojis Between Him and “Steve”.

He used a four-letter word and then went into a sob story.

“She’s like... stalking me...”

“Stalking you?” I said.

“Then why are you sending heart emojis back to her?”

He was stuck there.

“Look, it’s not what you think.”

I said “I think it’s exactly what I think. Don’t you?”

He looked down, and
Suddenly the Floor Became
Really Interesting to Him.

“Things have just been so crazy
around here, you know?”

I knew he was talking about the loveseat incident.

My weight was the only thing that went crazy over there.

“I don’t know what got into me...

I’m sorry—I’ll break it off.
Nothing happened between us.”

I believed that like I believed a unicorn made me breakfast that morning.

I couldn’t bear the recurring thought of my husband being with another undoubtedly younger and thinner woman.

I was so broken inside, I didn’t have the will to yell at him or even tell him off.

I knew it was on me.

I knew it was my fault.

There’s no excuse for cheating...

But let’s face it.

My weight drove him into the arms of another woman.

I Needed to Fix This.

  • Maybe you can relate.
  • Maybe you’ve tried a diet or five.
  • Maybe you’ve been worried about your husband or your wife cheating and maybe you have reason to worry.
  • Maybe you feel ugly.
  • Maybe you don’t like looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • And maybe you’re a little pissed off about it.

That’s what I was... pissed off.

At the diets.
At the doctors.
At the nutritionists.
And myself.

We were All to Blame...
I Realized I had No Choice.

I knew either the weight was gonna kill me,
or I was gonna kill that weight.

I believe in God.

And that meant believing that He gave us the way to heal, before He gave us the disease.

So I was going to trust in myself and in God.

I forgot every pop weight-loss “solution” out there and vowed to do my OWN research.

I said to myself:

If the solution isn’t out there already,
I’m going to create the solution myself.

They say the Internet has all the answers.

I had been through the Google results a hundred times.

It was a graveyard of failed diet ideas.

I knew them all.

My Advantage, Though, was I was a Part-Time Librarian in a College.

So I knew my way around a library, and how to search through medical journals.

I quickly realized there were a lot of studies on weight loss that didn’t make it to the pages of Google.


There’s a disconnect.

All kinds of innovative studies using natural ingredients on mice, and have major applicability to humans...

But they are all just buried by studies about drugs put out by Big Pharma.

I read at least 100 studies.

And most were worthless to me.

But I found one very interesting study from Johns Hopkins Medical School* * *
and I quote:

“Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is strongly associated
with obesity.”

Fatty liver, eh?

I’d Heard of that, But Never Thought
it Played a Role in Weight Loss.

Boy, was I wrong.

“Excess fat causes insulin resistance and inflammatory signals.

Insulin resistance means that the pancreas has to produce more insulin in order to maintain normal blood glucose levels, and is the first step towards developing diabetes.

Patients who are overweight or obese, and have diabetes or insulin resistance are at greater risk to develop fatty liver disease.1

  • I’m no weight-loss guru.
  • I’m certainly no scientist.
  • I’m just a part-time librarian.

But it didn’t take a scientist to see I had hit on something.

Let’s break down what we just heard.

Fatty liver is strongly associated with obesity.

“Strongly associated” means one greatly affects the other.

If You’re Obese, there’s a
Good Chance You’ve Got a Fatty Liver.

And if you’ve got a fatty liver,
there’s a good chance you’re obese.

Then it tells us that extra fat in the liver causes “insulin resistance”.

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t use glucose from your blood for energy.

To make up for it, your pancreas makes more insulin.2 3

Over time, your blood sugar levels go up.

Insulin is a hormone that turns sugar into energy.

If your cells don’t respond to insulin, that sugar goes into your bloodstream or is stored as fat.

Where is it stored first?

You guessed it.

In Your Liver.

And this is how you develop fatty liver disease.

Researchers at Harvard* * * found that fatty liver affects up to 85% of people who are obese.

As obesity and diabetes have become more common, so has fatty liver disease.4

More accurately, as fatty liver disease has become more common, so has obesity.

So if you’re overweight, there’s up to an 85% chance you have a fatty liver, at least at some level.5

How Important is Your Liver?

Here’s a window into its functions:

  • Creation of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion
  • Production of certain proteins for blood plasma
  • Breaking down cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
  • Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy), and to balance and make glucose as needed
  • Regulation of amino acids, which form the building blocks of proteins
  • Conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea (urea is an end-product of protein metabolism and is excreted in the urine)
  • Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances

When the liver has broken down harmful substances, its
by-products are excreted into the bile or blood.

So if you can imagine it—the liver is like this big garbage disposal.

When it’s Working Properly,
it Takes Unwanted Food and
Excretes it Through Feces and Urine.

Pretty important organ for weight loss, don’t you think?

You thought right.

Turns out the liver is far and away the most important organ to address when it comes to weight loss.

Because what do you think happens when it gets clogged?

Well, it can’t produce bile, so…

  • It’s not removing waste from your body
  • It can’t carry fats through the body properly
  • It can’t balance glucose levels and can’t burn glucose for energy.

Weight gain is inevitable no matter what fancy diet you’re on.

Here’s Another Way of Looking at it.

You could say your liver is like that filter in your dryer.

Remember how you do a wash, then do a dry, and then you look at that tray?

Nasty. It’s full of lint.

And then what happens if you try to do another dry?

It doesn’t work, does it…?

Because the heat is not getting through all the gunk.

Remove that lint and the dryer works.

And everything that comes out of it is fluffy, warm and cozy.

Leave the lint there, and you’ve got a bunch of wet, soggy rags.

Here’s the beauty, though.

You don’t need to remove all the lint, do you?

What if you make just one hole in that lint?

Just one little hole. The air goes through.

It all goes through that hole, your clothes get dry.

Tiny changes make a huge difference.

It won’t work quite as well as if you remove all the lint.

But it will work.

The Same Thing Happens
with Your Fatty Liver.

Just remove a little bit of that fat, and your entire liver and your entire body will start doing its job.

You’ve opened up a little space.

A little window.

A little room for your liver to breathe.

And suddenly bile is being created, your glucose is getting converted into energy, and you’re losing weight every single minute of every single day.

It’s not perfect.

But you have a working waste disposal system now.

You have a body that takes glucose and breaks it down, instead of storing it as fat.

The fat flushes out.

So you see...

The Liver Really is the Key.

What I couldn’t understand was
why wasn’t anyone talking about this?

Too busy selling the next fad diet, I guess.

Too busy to do some simple research.

Research which tells us you can’t lose weight when your liver isn’t functioning when it isn’t doing its job.

You’re simply just “adding lint and more lint” to the liver when you eat every single day, and you don’t do anything about this.

And when you diet... you’re just adding less lint.

But the old lint is still there.

You’re still all blocked up.

Constipated, you could say.

The food is there and your body wants it out but it won’t go out because of a blockage.

Your liver is constipated with fat.

The liver that was responsible for the fat getting stored and making me look like a blimp.

Now, I Just Needed to Figure Out
How to Poke a Hole in that Lint.

Because this liver fat was literally keeping me
fat and dejected and busting up relationships.

Now, the quest was to find something that targeted the liver.

To open up an opportunity for fat to flush out.

What works in a targeted fashion... just on the liver?

I knew if I could find this...

I would have the answer to not only my weight loss but the weight loss of women and men all around the world.

American drugstores had nothing that targeted the liver.

No surprise.

So I went international.

Often, international drugstores have a larger variety of products than US drugstores because they are subjected to less regulation.

I called every major and minor country from Vietnam to Sri Lanka.

Nothing they had targeted fatty liver.

I Needed Something Natural But Powerful... I Eventually Struck Gold.

The location? French Polynesia.

The pharmacist in a French Polynesian town said there was a tree there that’s known to clear the liver...

But nobody had ever made it into a product.

The locals eat its leaves, and they live longer than anyone in any country.

“If you come here, we can compound it for you.

It could be a great service to men and women in your country,” he said.

I bought the plane ticket even before hanging up on him.

Turns out French Polynesia is a beautiful, exotic location with wonderful, warm people.

But I wasn't there to sunbathe.

I was a woman on a mission.

The rates of obesity in this country are very, very low.

I saw mothers, with 9 kids who looked like supermodels.

I met the pharmacist.

A white-bearded, middle-aged man.

And he pointed out what I was looking for:

The Silk Cotton Tree.

A very rare tree that only grows in that country.

Its sap is golden yellow... just gorgeous.

I ran my finger along the trunk of the tree and my hand was full of the sticky stuff.

I licked my hand and my eyes lit up...

I had never tasted anything so delicious.

Even if I wasn’t gonna sell this as a weight loss solution...

I figured it would be a hot-seller as a candy back home.

We took it back to the store and he started compounding.

The next thing I knew...

We had these Golden Tinctures
in Glass Bottles that May Just Contain the Secret to Eradicating Fatty Liver.

And the stubborn fat of mothers and fathers everywhere, once and for all.

As soon as I got home, I drank the sap.

It tasted delicious.

I could feel it oozing its way through every cranny of my insides.

Coating them with sweet goodness...

It was warm... I felt like I was glowing.

I went to sleep that night, and had the best sleep of my life.

Now, mind you...

All I had eaten the day before was an airplane meal of an omelette, a pastrami sandwich, and a cookie.

That’s About How Much I Usually Eat.

So I wasn’t really expecting
the scale to move the next morning.

I knew I would have to diet at least a little to see results.

But I stepped on the scale.

“What? Lost 2 pounds?!”

That must be some kind of mistake.

I changed the batteries in the scale but the result was the same.

2 pounds! In one day!

I couldn’t believe it.

I didn’t exercise and I didn’t diet. I ate normally, if you can call plane food normal.

The point is, I just ate until I was full.

But even when I was dieting hardcore, I never lost 2 pounds in a day.

My heart sang.

Now, There was Hope.

I thought, if this is what it does when I'm not dieting, imagine what it can do when I AM dieting.

Well, I tried that...

But I began to realize it didn't really matter what I ate.

I just lost 2 pounds a day, every day.

And at that point, I was off to the races.

I went from 260 to 240 to 210 to 190, and 190 to 160 and suddenly, I was within the proper weight for my height.

This transformation took place in a few short months.

Here I am, before the sap.

Here I am, after the sap.

Mike Got More and More Interested in Me, as I Looked Better and Better.

No more heart emojis to Steve.

I was now on a confidence cycle.

Exercising again.

Getting attention from men at the gym as my body morphed into the body of my dreams.

Mike said we were going for a steak dinner when I hit 160.

I hit it with no problem.

And we did.

That night, the sex was passionate.

We could actually feel our bodies on each other instead of feeling just blubber.

I never felt better and never slept better.

I had more energy the next day too and I fell asleep, as soon as I hit the pillow.

I had more joy in general.

You Know Those Happy People?

The ones who always naturally have a smile on their faces? I had become one of those people!

I was a completely unrecognizable person from who I was a few months before.

Absolutely everyone who knew me wanted my secret.

I was just so grateful for what I found, and the pharmacist who helped me get the sap from the tree.

And I knew one thing.

That this was not going to stop with me.

Women and men all around the world were going to hear about this and benefit from this.

And they too would start dropping pounds overnight.
They too would have the body they want.
The body their spouse craves.
The body they can go to the pool with, without having to suck in their bulging belly.

Yes. Everyone should walk proudly...

So I Eventually Found
a 5-Star Manufacturer...

Put up a simple website, had my nephew
run a few ads and started taking orders.

Sarah found this a godsend:

“I’ve lost 12 pounds and
I barely changed my diet at all.”

“OMG. The fact is I’ve lost 12 pounds and I barely changed my diet at all.

I spent YEARS trying to lose those 10 pounds...and this did it in weeks.

Everyone is asking me what I did differently.

And I said: It’s the liver, folks. It's all about the liver. That's your garbage disposal. They just stare at me blankly. That’s when I give them a bottle.

I just say, ‘Try this for one day and get back to don’t need to know how it works or why it works, just try it.’

They do...and wouldn’t you know it? They all lose weight. On the first day.

They can’t believe it because they didn’t really change their diet. They just took the sap...they all come back asking where they can get more...and I send them to you...

I am so grateful to you, Lori, for your research and your flying out there...and sharing this with mankind.

You are like an angel to me. Bless you. And keep up the good work.”

- Sarah L., Philadelphia

Let’s hear from someone else who got the first batch:

“You actually see the weight
coming off on the very first day.”

“Lori, I had a similar story to yours. A cheating husband and a broken heart. Well, I had the last laugh. And I have your product to thank. I’ve tried many supplements.

None of them did a thing. This one is completely different. It has real firepower.

You actually see the weight coming off on the very first day.

The scale doesn’t lie. And I sleep better. I have more energy. I love myself now. And everyone I meet just says ‘I’ll have what she’s having.’

It’s like When Harry Met Sally, lol. That’s because I have a smile I can’t wash off my face.

What you have done, Lori, is a miracle. A great service to mankind and womankind.

I will never stop taking this supplement for the great boost it gives me, in addition to the incredible weight loss...All the best.”

- Barbara Sandlers, Forth Worth

Those Stories are Amazing.

They make it all worth the effort.

But I have a confession to make.

On one of those days I was losing weight, I ate a whole Entenmann's cheese crumb cake and guess what?

I still lost half a pound... so it’s hard to call this dieting.

I just don’t go crazy all the time but I still eat at Mcdonald’s at least once a week.

And I’m smiling from ear to ear, every time I step on the scale.

  • How would you like to be my next testimonial?
  • How would you like to be my next life transformed?

Get ready for the product of not only the year, but the decade.

I can Put this Up Against Any Diet...
I will Win Every Single Time.

I swear to you, you will lose the weight
you want to lose or I wouldn’t be doing this.

I’m very sensitive to criticism.

That almost prevented me from launching this product.

But I believed in it so much and luckily, I got virtually no criticism from customers.

One lady didn’t like the style of the bottle, so I gave her a full refund right away.

Everyone else just lost weight.

God’s honest truth is...

I only get glowing, loving reports from excited men and women who have never felt or looked better in their lives.

Now, I have to say the sap became a powder for maximum absorption.

We hired a 5-star lab that is the top in the industry, and GMP-certified.

I knew what this “tree sap” was doing for people was unprecedented.

Nobody has ever produced anything like it.

But I knew if there was a way to make it even better, I would.

I wanted to see what would happen if we included additional natural ingredients proven to shed weight.

Would People Lose
Even MORE Weight FASTER?

And man, I was right.

Just listen to Sarah again…

“I’m losing weight faster and my cravings are way down.”

“I took Levitox™ before I had the add-ons, and the weight loss was beyond anything I expected.

But now I’ve taken it with the add-ons, and my mind is completely blown.

I’m losing weight faster and my cravings are way down. It’s like I have completely no desire for sweets.

I mean, I can still enjoy them once in a while, but something about these add-ons makes me want to eat healthy.”

- Sarah L., Philadelphia

Here’s what the rest shared…

“You want these add-ons.”

“These add-ons just made a truly great product even more awesome.

I lose weight faster and easier now than I did with the standalone product. If anyone is seeing this, trust me, you want these add-ons.

I don’t know the science behind why they work, they just work.”

- Yolanda Ellen, Newark

“The weight just falls off so much more easily now...”

“The add-ons are a great complement to a perfect product.

The weight just falls off so much more easily now, and that’s saying a lot because the standalone product was amazing.”

- David Kemp, Lexington

Now, Let’s Get Down to Brass Tacks.

Let’s see what these add-ons are, and exactly
why they are the perfect complement to Levitox

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #1: Zinc

We put in an almost-supernaturally perfect amount of Zinc.

Let me tell you why zinc was the first add-on in my formula.

Zinc is responsible for...

  • Gene expression
  • Enzymatic reactions
  • Immune function
  • Protein synthesis
  • DNA synthesis
  • Wound-healing
  • Growth and development

And yet, it’s not produced by your body!

You have to get it from nature.

We knew that.

What we didn’t know was that zinc puts your weight loss into overdrive.

The clinical trial study from the US National Library of Medicine* * * indicates that...6

“Zinc supplementation has favorable effects in reducing anthropometric measurements, inflammatory markers, insulin resistance and appetite in individuals with obesity, and may play an effective role in the treatment of obesity.”

When it says it’s favorable towards anthropometric measurements...

That Means it Literally
Changes Your Proportions.

That means a flatter belly,
a tighter back and chest, and tauter arms.

Everything on your body starts to change when you take zinc in the right amounts.

And we’ve got it in the right quantity because we consulted with the best doctors in the world to tell us what the optimal amounts were.

Zinc also stops insulin resistance.

That alone will give you a big leg-up in your battle against the bulge.

Then the study tells us it cuts appetite.

Well, that will Also Do Wonders for Your Weight-Loss Journey.

Because you won’t crave those Cheetos.
You won’t crave that Hershey’s bar.
You won’t crave that chocolate cake.

Even though you can still have 'em once in a while.

You won’t need them.

Walking right by that stuff will become the most natural thing in the world to you.

What I’ve just told you is only a fraction of the power of zinc in the right amounts.

And while you can get it from food...

You’ll get a much bigger wallop of it with Levitox™ than you could get from any food.

It’s in these larger amounts that the weight-decimating properties of zinc show themselves.

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #2: Milk Thistle

Next up is Milk Thistle.

You're really going to love me for including milk thistle.

Studies have shown that milk thistle helps to treat fatty liver disease.7

It has also been studied as a potential treatment for high blood sugar among those with Type 2 diabetes.

You already know the importance of treating fatty liver.

That’s why you’re here.

What if I told you that when you add milk thistle to Levitox™...

It Works Twice as Fast,
and Twice as Effectively, at Clearing Out the “Lint” of the Liver?

Well, that’s what the studies show.

This is just going to get your digestive system revved up twice as quickly, which means you’ll lose weight twice as fast.

It’s really remarkable when I look at the studies on milk thistle and how it alone can transform people’s entire bodies.

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #3: Beetroot

And then there’s Beetroot.

Beets are one of the top 20 foods to eat for weight loss.

The phytochemicals in beets go right to your cells, improving their overall health and most important to us... their metabolism.

When you burn more calories, you can eat more calories and still lose weight.

That’s the Beauty of Eating Beets.

But you would have to eat
10 beets a day to get these benefits.

And some people just don't like the taste.

Well, we took care of that in one fell swoop.

We concentrated the equivalent of 10 beets and put it into one capsule.

That’s how good our encapsulation technique really is.

You’ll never feel healthier than when you take this supplement, and that has a lot to do with the beets.

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #4: Artichoke Extract

The next super nutrient is Artichoke Extract.

Artichoke is a plant we all love to pick apart. The leaf, stem, and root are used by many cultures to make "extracts."

Extracts contain a higher concentration of certain chemicals that are found naturally in the plant.

These extracts are used as medicine.

So this is basically super artichoke or artichoke on steroids.

Now, while you may love dipping the leaves in mayo, you may not realize what it’s doing for your belly...

Artichokes have Special
Chemicals that Prevent Fat From Being Stored in the Body.8

You know how artichoke makes you want to pee, helping you to get rid of liquid waste?

Well, the chemicals also help you to excrete unwanted food.

Not only will this make you feel better on a day-to-day basis...

It will trim your waistline, and send you on your way to becoming the sex god or goddess you always wanted to be.

We captured the very essence of those chemicals in artichoke and packed it into a formula for maximum absorption.

Your body and your belly will thank you.

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #5: Chanca Piedra

Besides that, Chanca Piedra. Funny name.

But what it can do for your midsection is deadly serious.

It’s a herb native to tropical coastal areas. The entire plant is used to produce medicine.

The herb contains phytochemicals that can directly improve the function of your liver.

As you know by now, the liver is the key to lasting weight loss on easy street, and that’s exactly what chanca piedra gives you.9

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #6: Dandelion Extract

Then we have Dandelion Extract.

I know what you’re thinking:

“What the heck is dandelion doing
in my weight-loss supplement?”

Well, it’s doing a lot.

Because a lot of the weight you’ve put on is water and that needs to be addressed.

And it’s addressed perfectly by our super concentrated blend of dandelion.

Drinking Dandelion Tea
Aids Weight Loss in Many Ways.

For instance, the potassium in dandelion can act as a diuretic, and increase daily urine output.

You will simply pee out more water weight when you take this supplement.

This is a good thing.

This will make the scale change for you every single day you step on it.

Take Levitox™, and water weight will be eliminated... I guarantee it.

As if all that wasn’t enough…

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #7: Chicory Root

We also packed in Chicory Root.

Chicory root comes from a plant with bright, beautiful blue flowers.

Employed for centuries in cooking and traditional medicine, it’s commonly used to make a coffee alternative, as it has a similar taste and color.

“It’s all in your gut.”

You may have heard this before.

Well, it’s true.

You aren’t what you eat. You are what you digest.

And that’s the job of your intestinal flora.

Good flora and bad flora are always in a battle in your gut.

And the bad flora is usually winning.

When you take chicory root, the good flora will dominate10 — you will have better digestion, and you will see the difference on the scale.

Liver-Boosting Ingredient #8: Yarrow

Last but not least we have Yarrow.

Yarrow is a tiny but precious medicinal herb that has many uses.

It’s an Astringent with
Wound-Healing Properties.

In relation to weight loss, it is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories on the planet.

Science tells us again and again that there’s a direct link between chronic inflammation and our ability (or inability) to shed excess weight.

It’s the #1 culprit, after fatty liver.

If you find the pounds aren’t coming off easily... inflammation is likely the cause.

With yarrow in our formula, weight loss will just get easier, and become more natural.

Yet another excuse your body will have for losing the pounds.

Thank me later. Well... thank yarrow later.

When all’s said and done, we knew we had to call this a superhero of a product...


And it’s available right now for a very limited time.

I have a small operation, and I pack and ship these bottles personally with love.

But our stock does run out frequently...

And sometimes the lab is backed up, and it could take months before we make another batch.

So think long and hard about leaving this page without grabbing at least one bottle of Levitox™.

Your spouse deserves you
giving this a shot, at least.

Don’t you think?

Now, you probably want to know about the price.

But I want you to understand...

  • I’m not going to factor in my research and development costs.
  • I’m not going to factor in my constant back-and-forth with my supplier and my manufacturer, and all the headaches that brings.

A lot of Sweat and Tears Went
into Making Levitox for You.

And when you consider the results, $200 wouldn’t be enough to justify the value you’re getting.

After all... what would you pay for a beach body?

What would you pay to keep your husband or wife interested in you?
What would you pay to feel good about yourself for the first time in years?
What would you pay for a positive self-image, and high self-esteem?

All of these things are priceless.

But I can't charge you nothing.

What I can Do is Give You a Deal
that’s So Good, You Can’t Refuse it.

I’m going to make the following arrangement for you.

And mind you, I can only do this for 50 people each month.

After 50, everyone is paying full price.

You, however, may get a discount.

Because for these first 50 folks, it’s not going to be $97 as it is for everyone else.

When You Act Right Now and
Order 1 Bottle of Levitox, You can
Get that Bottle For Just $59.

But it gets even better when you choose
the 3 or 6 bottles option today.

See, most of the studies I mentioned on this page lasted somewhere between 3 and 6 months.

If you want to see optimal results with the product, you will need to take it for 3 months at least.

This is how long it takes for your liver to completely clear all the “lint”.

  • When you choose the 3 bottles option, you’ll get each bottle for just $49 per bottle.
  • And when you make the best choice and order 6 bottles today, you’ll get each bottle of Levitox™ for just $33 per bottle which is a savings of $396!

Remember, you get what you put into it.

If you buy one bottle, you’ll get some weight loss.

But if You Buy 3 or 6 Bottles,
You’ll Have a Completely New Body.

Choosing the bigger bottle options ensures
you get the full benefits Levitox can provide.


Treating fatty liver disease doesn’t take just 30 days.

So choose the 3 or 6 bottles option today.

Give yourself the best chance at success.

It’s best for your wallet.

And it’s best for your belly.

And it’s best for your health in general.

Want to live longer?
Want to feel better?
Want to stop the yo-yo dieting hell?

Levitox is Your Winning Formula
for Your Weight Loss, Your Liver Health and Your Pocketbook.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Since I’m not a saleswoman, I’ll just speak to you straight.

I want you to be happy with your purchase.

That’s all l want.

I don’t want any bad feelings or regrets.

If this product doesn’t work for you, I don’t want you to have to pay for it.

We part as friends, if we part at all.

So I’m Making the
Following Promise to You.

A promise I make with all my heart:

If you don’t get results from Levitox™, you don’t pay for it.

I’ve already made more money than I ever dreamed of... so the money is not an issue.

I just want you
to be happy.
I want you to lose weight.
I want you to get your spouse back.

Which is why I’m giving YOU a FULL YEAR to decide if you made the right decision.

365-Day Levitox
100% Money-Back Guarantee

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give Levitox™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with Levitox™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

At this Time, I’d Like to Draw Your Attention to the Situation You’re in.

Your body doesn’t look the way you want it to or you wouldn’t be here.

And now you have a question mark in front of you.

A possible solution.

Is there any harm in just trying this solution? Absolutely not.


You get all your money back if it doesn’t work for you.

In fact...

You can get your money back for any reason.

Even if an unexpected expense comes up and you can’t squeeze the cost into your budget...

You get all your money back.

Remember, I don’t ask questions.

So, think of it like this...

You can go on
the rest of your life feeling ugly.

Go on the rest of
your life praying your spouse won’t
leave you.

Risk being cheated
on and dropped like a bag of dirt...

Receive a digital punch to the stomach every time you step on the scale...

Never knowing when this hellish roller coaster will end.

Maybe it will
end with you
dead—crazier things have happened.

You can let all that happen, or you can take a chance at something that could be really transformative.

Again, I’m not a saleswoman — so I don’t know how to woo you or hypnotize you or take control of your faculties.

I Can Just Say, I’m a Woman. I’m a Mother and I was Just Like You.

And this really helped and it will help you.

This was the only thing that worked after trying everything.

And I mean, I’ve tried everything.

I really believe this can help you.

I hope you’ll place enough trust in me to give my product a try.

I’ve sold tens of thousands of these bottles and I have thousands of testimonials.

That means I don’t need to be doing this any more.

I can hang up my hat, and enjoy my money.

But I’m not doing that. I’m here.

With you.

Because I know how badly it hurts. I know how much it sucks.

And I believe this will give you results that will make your heart sing.

So Put Your Doubts Aside for
Just One Minute and Open the
Door to What could be Amazing.

Pick your package below.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Hit the “Add To Cart” button.

Fill out the form and I’ll rush Levitox
to your doorstep in 5–7 days.

Close your eyes. Visualize it.

You get the package. It’s the package you’ve been waiting for.

You pull out your scissors and unseal it.

You pull out the shiny, gorgeous bottles and you take your first capsule.

Ah... that feels good.

Goes down easy.

You go about your day.

Eating what you usually eat. Exercising as much as you normally do.

You go to bed. You wake up.

You can’t wait to see what has happened while you slept.

You Step on the Scale...
You are not Disappointed:

The numbers shuffle and the scale
settles on a number that says...

You’re 2 pounds lighter than you were the day before! Hallelujah!

It’s a number you haven’t seen in a long, long time.

And you just know... that you’re only getting started.

Weeks go by...

Months go by and your body is transforming.

Your husband has new eyes for you.

He cat-calls when you walk by.

He seduces you or you seduce him.

You’ve Never Felt So Loved.

And you’ve never felt so sexy
and connected in many, many years.

Your spouse holds you in his arms and says,

“I knew you could do it, honey. I knew you could.”

You look back and all you can think is... it was all worth it.

And I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

If I hadn’t broken the chair, I might never have found the solution that have helped tens of thousands of men and women across the globe.

Everything is heaven-sent, especially
this product.

  • Can you feel the joy welling up from your heart and radiating to the rest of your body, when you picture all that?
  • Can you feel yourself standing taller?
  • Can you feel yourself feeling like you are the real you again?

You can have that. All of it.

Just pick out your package and hit “Buy Now”.
I’ll see you on the other side.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Still here?

Maybe you’ve got some questions.

Well, that’s good because I’ve got some answers and I want you to be completely comfortable.

So let’s get to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, this product targets the true cause of your weight gain: fatty liver.

Fatty liver is like a dryer filter filled with lint.

Remove the lint, and losing weight becomes something your body naturally wants to do.

Second, we’ve spared no expense on our compounding and encapsulation procedures.

We’re not in it for the money — we have plenty of that by now.

We’re in it for the lives we can change.

So we use the best labs and high-potency ingredients, while our competitors cut corners to save a buck.

Levitox™ truly has no competition—we’re in a league of our own.

Third, our manufacturer is GMP-certified, and Levitox™ has been used without issue by thousands of women and men around the world.

We’ve got the testimonials to prove it works for just about everyone.

Fourth, we pack not just 1 but 7 fat-busting ingredients into our formula to ensure you lose weight from every inch of your body in every way imaginable.

And the fact that it’s made by real people who actually suffer from what you suffer...that’s important.

In short, it’s a product made with care and love. It’s a product made with you in mind.

It’s a product made by good people.

To be perfectly honest?

Day One.

That story I told you was a true story.

I really did lose 2 pounds the first day.

Maybe that won’t happen every day, but I can say for certain that if you don’t overeat, you will lose at least half a pound on your first day.

And’s off to the races!

There is no gelatin in Levitox™.

So if you’re kosher or just sensitive to gelatin products, you’re in the clear over here.

I went over a few of them on this page, but here’s the label too.

They are chicory, artichoke extract, milk thistle, yarrow, and jujube seed.

But for the sake of time, I didn’t speak about all the ingredients in Levitox™.

Besides the potent immune-boosting shot of zinc, beetroot, chanca piedra extract and dandelion, Levitox™ also contains a proprietary blend of liver and weight-loss support ingredients.

No other formula tackles liver health, weight loss and energy gain like ours does.

All you have to do is take 2 easy-to-swallow capsules of Levitox™ before your first meal of the day, or any time of the day.

The ingredients in our formula are all from nature, so there shouldn’t be any issues.

However, please consult your doctor before introducing a new supplement to your system.

As stated, you have 365 days—an entire year—to decide if you want to keep Levitox™.

If it doesn’t work for you for any reason, just call us at 1-800-259-9522 or email us, and we will refund every single penny.

This is a completely risk-free opportunity for you and this is how confident we are that Levitox™ will work for you.

5–7 business days.

A maximum of 10–14 business days, if you are international or if there are unseen changes due to current global supply chain issues.

To get the status of your order, just contact us via email call us at 1-800-259-9522.


Click the “Add To Cart” button below.

You’ll be taken to our 100%-secure order form.

Fill in your shipping and payment information, and click “Submit”.

That’s it!

We’ll then rush your order of Levitox™ right to your door.

And remember: The more you order, the more you save.

That’s why I highly recommend that you take the 6-month option (6 bottles), so you’ll never have to worry about running out and save a whopping $396 in the process.

Do the smart thing. Don’t let the fear win.

See you on the other side.


Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

You’re Still Here...

Maybe you’re grappling with the price.

So let me remind you:

You’re not really BUYING this. You’re TRYING this.

You can get your money back for any old reason.

You don’t even have to have a reason.

So think of this as just a trial not a purchase.

You can get your money back at any time, during the year you test it out.

Open Your Eyes.
Look Down at Your Belly Right Now.

Do you want to be looking at that
belly for the rest of your life?

Or do you want to give something that could zap that belly away in weeks... a try?

Even if you lost 10 pounds, it would be worth the price, am I right?

Well, we have testimonials of people losing 100 pounds.

I lost 100 pounds.

How good would
you look, if you lost
100 pounds?

How many heads would you turn?

And what would
that do for your

The world. Yes, the world.

See, I Know Something About You.

I know you're a bit of a worrier.

And while it sounds good, you don’t know if this is for real.

That’s why you’re still here, am I right?

Well.. it is said that there’s nothing to fear but fear itself.

That fear is the only thing standing between you and your dream body.

Don’t let the fear win.

  • The fear will keep you fat and depressed.
  • I want better for you.
  • I want you to aim higher.
  • To take a chance on what could be great.
  • And give what could be the opportunity of your life, the benefit of the doubt.

I don’t want you to wait another second.

I Want You to Choose Your
Package and Hit the Button.

Fill out the form and let me welcome
you to Weight-Loss Paradise.

I will remind you that we have a limit in stock each month.

We may even be out of stock now.

And if we are...I apologize.

Try again next month, and maybe you’ll be able to get a bottle.

Maybe not.

That’s a reality we must consider.

The last bottle could be the one available right now...

Go get it, before someone else does.

Pick Your Package.
Fill Out the Form.

Losing weight is now as easy as that.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

You will Look Back on this and Say it was the Best Decision You ever Made.

Or you will look back on this as an hour
of your life wasted; when you read this page and chickened out in the end.

You will bless the fact that you didn’t let the fear and uncertainty get the better of you.

That you didn’t let the fear and uncertainty stop you from achieving your dream butt and your dream abs.

I really mean this.

I know it’s hard to believe.

But I will prove this is 100% real, if you just give me a chance.

It’s my pledge. Choose your package.


I cannot guarantee the bottles are in stock at this time.

We have been doing an Internet blitz of late, and Levitox™ has been flying off the shelves.

There’s no telling when those shelves will be empty.

Take Heed, It May
Just be Now or Never.

Choose your package below, and hit the “Buy Now” button and congratulations, on your new body.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle

Still have More
Questions About Levitox?

Don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team.

The toll-free number is 1-800-259-9522, and we’re available 24/7. Seriously.

And don’t worry.

You won’t have to talk to a robot or any automated machine…

We have real, live humans answering phones to help you.

So if you’re ready to start taking control of your liver health…

Just take the leap… click the button below, and take action right now.

You have nothing to risk, nothing to lose and a vibrant, worry-free life for the taking.

Click the “Add To Cart”
Button Below to Get Started.

I’d like to thank you again for your time.

I look forward to getting to know you better as a customer, and hearing about how much you’re enjoying your new-found health.

Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle










